Once upon a prom night, there was a girl all in silver. She flitted in moon light and soaked in the sliver of moon rays. Bathed in darkness despite the garden lighting she waits patiently. For the prince that was promised, which was not to be. This is a second level fairy tale, one that comes after Snow White and Sleeping Beauty.
Prom night is the one night that children and teens still have some fantasy about. This is when hopeful little hearts dream of an unfolding into a dashing prince or a sought after princess that would complete somebody’s idea of a fairy tale. All hopes are tied to that single night, all prayed for that it would be magic. It would be perfect. But once upon a prom night might never happen.
Because the reality of discovery of who you will become is never ending. You evolve as a person, you don’t stay a certain way forever. Every generation will have a different prom expectation. They may even add or refashion the prom according to what the organizers want. Prom night is as close to being the proverbial prince and princess one is going to be. This is the impact of the stories from the fairy tales of our childhood.
Not unlike a flowering or becoming, prom in the early days were a formal introduction to parties. They announce guests, dignitaries with loads of titles or achievements. But more associated with it is the debut or coming of age, the introduction to society to find eligible mates. Is it really wanting the next stage of their life? Or being somebody other than themselves?

It is a sort of play acting being an adult. Dressing up for dates, getting ready, buying flowers, dancing gracefully, keeping grace under pressure. But at the same time, separating high school from college life. Preparing to leave their childish and carefree ways.
Still, in some ways it can also bring unnecessary stress and worry. Expectations, pressure. Still it is a good exercise to prepare for the corporate world, if that is where they want to head. It is unavoidable, the real world.